Hmm,am so so sad courtesy asuu strike,so i decided to write an open letter to whom ever it concerns,since asuu get mind lie say i no fit write common. letter,Asuu this is called informal open letter.
Dear mr lecturer,
My name is Comrade Anie,why i use comrade. is because i too have registered in all the unions/Associations in the University that i comrade Anie is required to,its eats up almost half of my allowance,so on behalf of of my fellow students we also have right's,please mr lecturer open up our classroom,we love the way we are packed inside our classroom like sardines,we love using our money for research,please i beg in the name of God call of this your strike,its me that is suffering more,i didnt have extra year,but you have successfully added an automatic. one year to my course of study please if you have kids look into the eyes of that child and you will see me,leave Federal Govt.your reward is in heaven,i know your all tired but so are we,please find it in your heart to forgive us,we will not carry ekpo into the hall again.
yours sincerely
Comrade Anie