if you're the kind of person who likes to
stay on the safer side of things, you might
not think that there are many reasons to
take a chance. I used to think this way until
I realized that I couldn't live my entire life
without taking any risks. Over time, you'll
realize that there are many important
reasons to take a chance and become
more comfortable with the idea of it. To get
you started, here is my list of why I like to
take chances.

1. One of the more obvious reasons to take
a chance is that the outcome is always a
surprise. Although there is a chance that
taking a risk can end badly, you'll never
know if there could have been some really
great outcomes too!

2. You'll Regret It If You Don't
Speaking of nagging, have you ever missed
out on taking a chance and experienced
that nagging feeling of regret? I know I
have felt this unpleasant pang of regret one
too many times.

3. We only get this one life to live so why
not live it up, right? It is scary to think about
the bad things that might come from you
taking a chance but, sometimes, it is even
scarier to think about living your life
without taking chances or risks.

4. You'll Never Get Anywhere without It-Life is all about taking chances. And you
won't get far in life without taking them.
When you were little, you didn't have to get
up on that bike and start peddling, but you
did. This simple example can be applied to
every other aspect in life! Whether you are
taking a chance at love, a career, or
another life choice, you can either choose
to take a chance at it or stay back in the
outfield. But remember that if you stay in
the outfield forever, you'll never get up to
bat. And that's always the best part!

5. Conquer Your Fears-If you're afraid of taking chances, believe
me, you are not alone! I have been scared
of taking risks all of my life. However,
everyone needs to learn that being afraid of
taking chances is a fear that you need to
overcome. You can't live your whole life
being scared of the unknown. So when
you're ready, go take that POSITIVE chance
that you've been dying to take. I promise
you that it will be worth it!

6. Learn from Them
Taking chances is something that is easy
to learn from. You can learn if you are
comfortable with the chance you took or
discover that you want to play it safe the
next time an opportunity rolls around. You
can also learn when it is the right time to
take chances. Knowledge comes from
experience. And the way to gain experience
is through taking chances!

7. Taking chances is healthy to a point, so
take risks but stay as safe as possible at
the same time!
Taking chances is something that can take
you to higher places and lead you to more

But sometimes it's good to jump out of
your comfort zone and take some risks!
Were you ever scared to take a chance?
What are some of your reasons to take a
chance? Let me know!