Unbelievable to say the least, George Clooney -- terminal bachelor no more -- is married; and not only that, his BFF and contemporary, Brad Pitt is married, too. It sure seems like getting hitched is the vogue A-list thing to do, and boy ... won't the Duggars be proud that all this shackin' up is ending and true, everlasting commitments will hopefully be honored for the rest time?
This is the handsome, dapper, humanitarian George Clooney and his equally gorgeous, intelligent, and worldly bride, Amal Alamuddin. It really goes without saying that they might be two of the most beautiful married people in -- or out -- of Hollywood, and it's pretty heartening to see two people -- one of which who was formerly adamant that he'd never find someone he could commit the rest of his life to -- doing what they want because it's their choice to do so.
Looking ... well, "breathtaking" seems to be the only word appropriate here, y'all -- and congratulations!