Hmmmm,so this post on nairaland please would a guy go through this stress? Haba him for use aboniki balm,pink lips gonna be reigning in 2015?
The turbo-hotties now want guys that are tall,dark,handsome and rich(Pink lips included)..
Guys,i will be sharing with you tips on how to get your lips Pink..soon enough,you will be known as Pinky..
Lets go there..
Step 1-Before hitting the covers at night,scrup your lips vigorously with Lime(take note,don't use lemon).Allow the juice to dry on your lips till day break..
Step 2-Get a bowl with hot water and apply a little salt...soak a towel in the bowl and scrub at your lips...
Step3-After that,apply honey on your lips..That should act as your lip gloss..
Remarkable results is seen after 3 weeks...
If you not the patient type,don't bother to try this out..